General Features
Where is GOOGLASS Smart Glass manufactured?
It is produced with the world’s best selection of raw materials in GOOGLASS’s own glass lamination factory and R&D Center in Tuzla, Orhanlı.
How can I access technical information and all features about the products?
Please ask for our Product Catalog.
How can I create or define my Smart Glass order?
Please contact us through our contact form and contact with our expert staff.
What are the average production and delivery time?
It varies according to the order quantity and project detail, but we can complete the delivery and installation between 10 days to 8 weeks.
What is the GOOGLASS production capacity?
It varies according to the glass sizes and we have a production capacity of 500-2000 m2 / month per month.
Is GOOGLASS Smart Glass produced in standard sizes?
No. We can produce Smart Glass in any size and thickness you want, in a way not to exceed certain dimensions in width and length. Our biggest size in one piece is 1500 mm x 3000 mm.
What is the warranty period of GOOGLASS for its products?
On condition that the technical terms and conditions are complied with, we give a warranty of 3 years for interior applications and up to 2 years for exterior and facade applications. For details on Warranty Conditions, please review the Warranty Manual.
Does GOOGLASS produce other types of glass? Other than smart glass, can laminated glass be produced?
No. GOOGLASS is a company established solely for the development and production of Smart Glass. All of our expertise and R&D studies will continue to be in this direction.Except for Smart Glass, glass is not produced.
Technical Features
Who makes the installation of Smart Glass?
Unless otherwise requested, the installation is made by our expert staff. GOOGLASS offers projects a turnkey price.
Does GOOGLASS Smart Glass prevent UV rays?
Yes. In opaque position, it prevents and blocks harmful UV rays by 99%. When applied with interlayers and glass with different features, it protects the building and the space from external heat and provides minimum impact.
Can Smart Glass be produced in the desired sizes?
Sizes should be determined exactly at the beginning of the project, they should be designed by our team and produced accordingly. After the glass is turned into Smart Glass, it is not possible to cut or convert them to other sizes.
What is the electricity consumption?
GOOGLASS works with 220 Volt AC connected to mains and with transformers of its own production and design that produce 50-65 Volt AC voltage. When the system is off, the glass is opaque and there is zero consumption, when the glass is on – transparent and the system is active, the consumption is around 5-6 watt/m2.
Can the GOOGLASS Smart Cam be controlled with a remote control?
Of course. With our remote controls with different features, you can to open and close the glass wall you want either individually or collectively.
Can a hole be made on GOOGLASS Smart Glass?
Yes. Holes can be made in the shapes and forms you want, but this needs to be determined during the production phase. This is not possible after production and lamination. Therefore, it should be careful thought and planned at the beginning of the project.
Does GOOGLASS Smart Cam require special installation skills and technique?
Smart Glass production is manufactured with a very sensitive and precise production process and absolutely there is a special installation technique. It contains very different applications and procedures than ordinary glass installation, otherwise it may be out of use in a short time. For this reason, as GOOGLASS, we offer turnkey prices and we do the installation of all the systems we produce with our own expert staff.
How to clean Smart Glass?
It should be cleaned with a soft cloth and simple cleaners, and the use of chemicals and pointed apparatus should be avoided. Particular care should be taken to avoid moisture and wetness on the edges.
Is it become completely transparent when the Smart Glass is active?
When active, that is transparent, visible luminous transmittance is around 75-80%. This may differ depend on the rate and amount of light in the environment.
Can the Smart Glass transparency and opacity amount be gradually adjusted?
Yes, we have 4-5 step dimmer control devices that we have developed for this purpose and can be applied to the system optionally.
What is the GOOGLASS expected operating time period?
As a result of our R&D studies, the number of on-offs we have reached in the laboratory is over 5 million. This corresponds to a period of approximately 10-15 years.
Can GOOGLASS Smart Glass be produced according to my existing profile system? Do I have to buy a new profile system?
GOOGLASS Smart Glass Systems can be produced according to each profile system, including double glazing systems. In addition, you do not have to change profile.
Can I buy Smart Film and apply it as an adhesive on my own glass?
We do not recommend it and do not apply it unless we have to. Because the smart film consists of liquid crystal layers, it must be isolated from the current atmospheric conditions and the correct application is to be laminated into glass with the correct process. In other applications, since there will be many external factors, the risk of deterioration will be high.
Does GOOGLASS Smart Glass require any special maintenance?
It does not need any special maintenance, as long as there is no problem with the optimum voltage required but one should pay attention to some issues; To be considered under warranty, the system should be turned off and opaque for at least 5-6 hours for every 24 hours. For this purpose, it would be very useful to put a timer in the system or network. There should be a regulator against spikes. Otherwise, the liquid crystal structure inside the glass burns and becomes unusable.
When it is off-opaque, does it block the light coming from outside?
GOOGLASS Smart Glass panels have approximately 4-5% luminous transmittance when it is off-opaque.
Can glass panels be bonded and joined together with silicone?
Yes, they can be. Provided that it is connected to the profile from above and below, long gaps can be crossed with smart glass panels with silicone combination vertically.
Application Types
Can GOOGLASS Smart Glass be applied to DOUBLE GLAZING systems?
Yes. Especially when double glazing, which is the most efficient application in preventing heat loss, is applied as Smart Glass, the efficiency of the system increases so much more.
Can GOOGLASS Smart Glass be applied to doors?
Yes. For our special design applications, please contact us through our contact form.
Can GOOGLASS Smart Glass be produced with different color options?
Yes. Our main color is opaque white but we can produce it with different colors.
Can GOOGLASS Smart Glass be produced as curved?
Yes, but this has certain values and aspects. For special projects, please contact our expert staff.
Cam GOOGLASS be an alternative to traditional jalousies?
In the next 10 years, we can say that it could replace all of the traditional jalousies.
Can GOOGLASS be used on acoustic glass?
Of course. We can produce acoustic smart glass by designing it in both double glass and double glazing form.
Can GOOGLASS be used or applied in exterior applications?
Yes, it can be applied, but it may be necessary to make special production according to the temperature and heat in the geographical region where the project area is located.
Can GOOGLASS be used in mobile sliding door systems?
Yes. We can produce special solutions according to the project details.
Can GOOGLASS be used in shower cabin applications?
Of course, it can be applied with very good insulation and special materials. For sample applications of GOOGLASS, you can follow the projects on Youtube and Instagram.